Sample Resignation Letter
The best advice we can give you when resigning is to leave your current employer on good terms. This will help guarantee a good reference and leave the door open for working with them in the future. It is simple for you to thank the current employer for the experiences you have gained and to avoid blaming the company for your departure in a professional manner.
Giving notice should be done in the form of a letter of resignation to your employer. Consider the following reasons to give written notice rather than verbal:
1. You will want to make your employer aware of this outstanding career decision you just made.
2. It is probably an emotional time for you.
3. It is important that your employer understands that your decision is not a reflection on a person or the company, but simply a chance for you to enhance your career.
4. There is no room in a written resignation to refute your decision and proves that you have acted in a professional manner.
Sample resignation letter:
Dear (present employer),
Please accept this letter as my resignation from (company name) to become effective at the close of business on (date). I have been offered and have accepted a position that I believe will offer me different challenges and opportunity for enhancement.
I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your time and efforts in my training and advancement with (company name) during my tenure here. The support and concern of management during my career as (name current position) has deeply been appreciated. I leave (company name) with good feelings and best wishes. I firmly believe (company name) is a fine organization and sincerely hope that all of your goals and aspirations will be recognized.
Your Name
cc: You should name all those who are concerned, including your boss’s boss
The best way to present this letter is to request a private meeting with your current manager. Upon sitting down, simply hand over the letter and say, “There is never really a good time to do this, but I need to turn in my resignation and I think this letter will best explain my feelings.”
As a reminder: There are very few circumstances that require you to give more than a two-week notice and it’s generally only when a severe hardship is placed on you. Also, it is important to know that completion of a particular project is never a sufficient reason for a termination extension. Once an offer is made and accepted, your loyalty must be directed to your new employer.